Enssure HAV IgM Assay Kit

HAV IgM Rapid Test is a lateral ow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of IgM antibody to Hepatitis A virus (HAV) in human serum or plasma. HAV is a positive RNA virus, a unique member of picornavirdae. Its transmission depends primarily on serial transmission from person to person by the fecal- oral route. Although hepatitis A is not ordinarily a sexually transmitted disease, the infection rate is high among male homosexuals, as result of oral-anal contact. The presence of specic anti-HAV IgM in blood samples suggests acute or recent HAV infection. The IgM antibody rapidly increases in titer over a period of 4-6 weeks post infection, and then declines to non- detectable levels within 3 to 6 months in most patients. The HAV IgM Rapid Test is to be used to detect IgM anti- HAV in less than 15 min by untrained or minimally skilled personnel, without cumbersome laboratory equipment.

Stock: IN

Intended Use - Detection of IgM antibody to Hepatitis A virus (HAV)

Storage - 2-30°C

Specimen type - Serum/Plasma

Specimen Volume - Three drop (approx 75 μL)

Time to result - 15 minutes

Shelf life - 24 Months

Sensitivity - 98.36%

Specicity - 99.33%